My Favorite Quotes
"Der er i Livet kun to Ting - Kærligheden og Døden"
- Moderen i Det Hvide Hus
(Herman Bang)
"I saw a mom take her raincoat off and give it to her daughter when a storm took over the
afternoon. My god, I thought, my whole life I’ve been under her raincoat thinking it was
somehow a marvel that I never got wet."
- Carying
(Ada Limón)
"C'est tellement mystérieux, le pays des larmes."
- Le Petit Prince
(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
"And beyond that there was the further revelation of listening to his stepfather's record
collection and discovering that music could actually reconfigure the atoms in a person's
- 4 3 2 1
(Paul Auster)
"No man nor any living thing in this world preserves their life forever. But only to men
is it given to know that we must die, and that is a precious gift. This life that is both
our torment and our treasure was never meant to endure for eternity. Life is a wave on
the sea. Would you force the sea to grow still to save one wave? To save yourself?"
- Haitaka in Gedo Senki
(Gorô Miyazaki)
"Piss, pitt, skit, prutt, piss, helvete, skit, pitt, prutt, bajs, piss, prutt, kuken,
fittan, satan, helvete, baje, aschle, piss, tasken, röven, murran, piss, prutt, pitt,
- Alexander in Fanny och Alexander
(Ingmar Bergman).
"NAT is, in itself, a man-in-the-middle attack".
- RFC 4380
(Christian Huitema, Microsoft)
En RFC om endnu en tunnel; oh the irony.
"Hvor er du fager og yndig, du elskede, yndefulde! Som Palmen, så er din Vækst, dit Bryst
som Klaser. Jeg tænker: Jeg vil op i Palmen, gribe fat i dens Stilke. Dit Bryst skal være
som Vinstokkens Klaser, din Næses Ånde som Æbleduft, din Gane som ædel Vin, der liflig
flyder ind i min Mund, glider over mine Læber og Tænder."
- Det Gamle Testamente, Højsangen, Kapitel 7
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."
- Lt. Ellen Ripley in Aliens
(James Cameron).
"She leaves behind her a damp pillow, wet with her tears. You touch the warmth with
your hand and watch the sky outside gradually lighten. Far away a crow caws. The earth
slowly keeps on turning. But beyond any of those details of the real, there are dreams.
And everyone is living in them."
- Kafka on the Beach
(Haruki Murakami)
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